one week on the web

And, just like that, the first week online for this new website is over. The first 24h saw some flurry of activity in edits and adjustments (published draft pages, anyone?) and, since, it’s been happily receiving visitors and internet passers-by.

With all this, life in the real world went on. I began the next module on my Erickson coaching journey, discovered more about all the great work my colleagues are doing in their lives as coaches and as generally awesome people, and covered the mundane tasks like finally getting my hair cut. Now, I have this new place to play too. How often to blog? What to discuss? What can you expect from me?

I think it’s safe to say that you can expect 2-3 posts per month. They will cover coaching ideas, reiki related topics and whatever strikes me as profound – or, at least, profoundly curious and interesting – along my journey as a reiki master & coach. I am excited to see where this is going to end up, as I navigate this trip on the fly. I know I’ve got lots of amazing resources and people around and I have no doubt I will end up exactly where I need to be.

I look forward to seeing you along the way.

Until next post, I’m curious about what ride you’re on. Is it your own? Are you driving? Do you have a map? If you like, leave a comment and let everyone know about your journey!


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